Customer Testimonials

I boarded my cat for 8 days in Eden.Everyday they sent me pics/videos of my cat. Doctor and assistants took care of my cat very well. Satisfied with their service.They are pet friendly, understood my cat's behaviour and acted to his comfort. Safe place for pets.

- Mercy Priya Hemalatha

I boarded my dog for 5 days in Eden pets care .Everyday they sent me pics/videos of my Dog. They took care of my dog very well. Satisfied with their service.They are pet friendly, safe place for pets.💯

- Deepak

We usually visit to Eden pet care for our birds and dog care for pets .. really satisfied with treatment for pets....great thanks to Dr.N.shinu Mam the way she explains a health issues with pets and suggestions to recover soon.

- Suganya Chandrasekar

Caring and loving approach by staff towards our boys and management highly professional. Eden pets is the best pet care in Nerkundram location. Keep up the great work guys.

- kalyan b

This is first time we left our puppy in a boarding.. they took care of him well.. he was happy after returning home .. and they were responsible for updating me with his video everyday . I would like to thank all the person who took care of my puppy and I highly recommend this place...

- Narendren Ganesa raja

Doctor in Eden pets care treat birds also. Only very few vet doctors treat birds. Doctor treated my bird very well. My cocatiel bird was very sick when i brought to the clinic. After treatment it became completely alright.

- Sundar Rajamani